Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why I'm not ready for the next generation of consoles

Hello everybody this is Justin from KQS and I will be letting you know my thoughts on the next generation consoles and Why I’m not ready
It takes time to warm up but I'm loving my Wii U

Wii U Thoughts

Wii U, my first next gen console. Really its not superpowered like the PS4 or the Xbox One (Horrible name by the way) but the tablet does something slightly different than the others, much like the Wii and its motion control which caused Sony and Microsoft starting their own take on motion control. But this time the tablet isn't selling so well. My initial impressions was just okay. But one thing stopped me from playing, the horrible load times, seriously the load times were like almost a minute of waiting which is just ridiculous, I ran back to the PS3 which I have a super death grip on. The amount of games to play are small of course it’s a new system and most games are simple ports, though Zombie U and the first party Nintendo games play well. But now with the new update that speeds up loading times dramatically and its been a much better experience. Adding the virtual console with added great features like playing on the screen and new MiiVerse Support and speaking of the MiiVerse its actually kind of cool. The MiiVerse is a pretty good forum moderated heavily by Nintendo which is good and bad, good for the simple fact that trolls and the other poison aspects of the internet are not there but bad because of small things that shouldn’t normally be a problem. Like my profile on the MiiVerse. I do youtube and would like to see more people subscribe so usually I try to pimp out my youtube channel and Nintendo doesn’t allow. Links that would be revealing personal info. Sooooooooo I got in trouble and had to change my profile which is alright but sucks because I can’t tell people I do Youtube. Aside from that problem I’m really starting to enjoy it, especially the 3DS HD Resident Evil game and am looking forward to all the games coming out.

Now on to the PS4
Not Sure how I like the new Controller but the system shows promise

The PS4 had a great conference they really addressed the faults of the PS3, the PS4 has tons of RAM, it’s so much easier to program for, though the move is still there..I do like the fact it has cool livestreaming capabilities and showed off a bunch of games. The PS4 is a really great gaming machine and after seeing it I’m very hopeful, Sony actually listened to their consumers and as a Sony Fanboy I’m proud that they will have a great start into the next generation. Though one thing worries me is since the reveal of the Xbox One, Sony has been a little dodgy talking about DRM.I don’t think the DRM will be as controlling as Xbox but PS4 may just contain some, I can only hope they stick with the PS3 way of games just a simple 2 System license. That would be nice. And I do hope somehow old PS3 accessories are compatible, the move is so I don’t see why not others. I’m really curious how the PS4 actually looks I don’t think they actually had the outer case yet, just dev kits but Sony does a great job making stylish products. I love my 600 dollar glossy George Forman Grill! It looks a whole lot better than the new Xbox One

As for the Xbox One…
I’ve never have been so disappointed by a reveal. I spent a whole hour waiting for games but man there was nothing but pre rendered sports footage, looking at a funny looking DVR, the stupid name, the whole used game DRM crap, being able to be annoyed by friends on Skype mid game, a huge OS that means less RAM that will be used for games, ugh it put such a bad taste in my mouth. This system is going to be bad. Just the possibilities of never being able to bring games over to your friends or even your family, if disc games you buy are locked in to your Xbox Live account that means your sibblings or children wont be able to play. And theres no way in hell I’m letting anyone else use my profile in Call of Duty. Can you imagine professional gaming and fighting game tournaments? And some people like the whole skype thing, it’s alright but I like Skyping on a actual computer rather than you taking a section of my game that I’m playing. I would hate trying to just review a game and be interrupted making my footage useless. Sure you can turn off Skype but still I see that as being a very annoying experience.

To be fair I shouldn’t totally judge the Xbox One or PS4 but from what I’ve seen I’m not totally sold on the next gen systems, PS4 will be my next purchase and I may never buy a Xbox One. But to be truthfully honest, I’m still having fun with my old systems, this is the first generation in which I have bought almost every single game I was looking for and I am going to play them all so I can afford to be a little late to the next generation. But if the new systems have horrible always on DRM, KQS will be doing a whole bunch of Wii U and PS3 reviews. I don’t think anyone would mind that. I’m hopeful that this generation of consoles will be a great one but I’m not ready for a new system. 

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