Thursday, June 13, 2013

E3 Thoughts (Why I was totally wrong earlier about the next gen)

Man I said last week I wasn't gonna get a next gen console, but after seeing this years E3, I've never been so happy to be proved wrong.

Microsoft's conference started out in one of the coolest ways. Metal Gear Solid V!!!! Seriously the Fox engine looks great! I know I'm biased talking about Metal Gear, that Metal Gear can do no wrong but it looks like a incredible game, ugh that trailer's music. I'm buying the soundtrack for it!  Then I saw RYSE... It looks like one big Quick Time Event. like Ninja Gaiden 3, not the improved Razors Edge but the shitty one. Then the highlight was really Killer Instinct, I totally was surprised by it. other than that there wasn't too much well Dead Rising 3 and its exclusive to Xbox One... Damn.  The Xbox Live service is getting better its trying to be like Playstation Plus and give away free games instead of BS pay to play online. they're tossing away the lame Microsoft Points for actual money, xbox one will have a limitless friend list. but the end of the presentation showed off the impressive TitanFall that game looks like so much fun. it was much more impressive but still that $499.99 price point and DRM put a bad taste in my mouth.


Sony time!!!! At the beginning it was business at the start, numbers, buy a Vita (already did) and then..... PS4!!!!! I dont know what it is about the new generation but the Xbox1 and PS4 look like flat boxes. The world needs more George foreman grills looking PS3's! The confrence was alot of new IPs' like that the Order 1886, it looked really good. Then theres the indie scene,  bringing all these great games like Dont starve and Octodad. I've never seen Octodad before but I couldnt stop laughing at the physics I'm buying that one. The best part of making indie games on PS4 is the ability to self publish and thats gonna make the PS4 the console of indie lovers. I really loved the sucker punch from Sony.... WE SUPPORT USED GAMES!!!! just seeing Jack Treton's cocky smirk hearing the crowds reaction, hell I even screamed. The lineup is really impressive Final Fantasy XIV, Kingdom Hearts 3, Destiny, Battlefield 4 and Killzone. But the best part was the end Sony revealed the price of the PS4 $399.99 and the crowd roared at the death blow Sony delivered. and let the animated gifs (not jifs) ensue. it was truly a amazing night for Sony. and it was the first time ever I put down money for a next gen console. I'm getting my PS4 day one!

Xbox One is so screwed!

Next morning the Nintendo conference and really it had just a few highlights Pokemon X and Y, Mario Kart 8 with more transformations, Zelda for the 3DS and the Wind Waker remake for the Wii U and Smash Bros. not to say that I'm excited to play the new Nintendo games but It was a little underwhelming. and learning the new game Retro Studios was working on, the guys who made Metroid Prime was making another Donkey Kong Country game. I was really bummed out. Nintendo played it a bit too safe. Though I'm soooo excited for the new Smash Bros game, I wanna destroy everyone as the Wii Fit Trainer.

Best line ever!

So its been a obvious win for Sony this year, the PS4 is on its way to greatness and the Xbox is needing to rework their foundation because it looks like its crumbling. The only thing that worries me is that if I will be able to make reviews on the next gen consoles. The PS4 spec sheet says that it has a analog AV output that would be nice VS getting footage via the live streams and twitch. which would really suck. which I have no control of the quality and it would most likely be barely HD quality and counter productive. Well theres always the Wii U cuz its got nice component cables. Yeah I know last article I said, no I'm not buying a PS4 or Xbox One but because of the great games this upcoming generation, I'm looking forward to what developers can do with the hardware.

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