Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's Metal Gear Month!

Hello everybody this is Justin from KQS and usually July is Metal Gear Month and my new YouTube partnership won’t let me do anything Metal Gear related for YouTube grrrr Content ID, so I thought I would write about how I started Metal Gear when I was 10 and why it’s one of the few series that has stuck with me  

Kept you waiting huh?
A Hind D?

Unlike Pokémon that I’ve taken a break before, Metal Gear I’ve been playing since MGS1. I was 10 and a super innocent kid watching cartoons and obsessed with Pokémon, and one summer when my cousins were staying for th summer, and they brought over MGS and when I first saw it I was completely wowed by it, the graphics, yes the graphics, the cinematic flair and the incredible voice acting especially Solid Snake, Mr. David Hayter himself. I don’t see myself as badass as Solid Snake but I see similarities, He’s kind of a loner, doesn’t trust people and because of that has a very hard time in love, hates feeling used, can be a bastard on occasion, and has a super deep voice, thanks puberty for making my voice so awesome. Everything about MGS was impressive especially the boss characters, Psycho Mantis is probably the scariest thing I saw at that time, Chief Of Magna gives me crap when I say that but you try fighting a boss that completely messes with you and directly talks to you. Damn you 4th wall. But that fear ultimately made me continue to play, triumph and become a fan for life.

Who the hell is Raiden!?
Biggest wuss ever

After I watched a lot of MGS, I learned about Metal Gear having a sequel in the game magazines my mom would buy me at the grocery store. I saw all the new moves, hanging, hiding dead bodies, popping out of cover to shoot and a bunch of new moves. I started following the new MGS to the point of obsession, when it was coming out I knew everything about the mechanics to give me an edge and I knew the tanker inside and out,  so when it came out it felt like I already knew where to go. And with the tanker done I was so excited to play as Snake and see what happened next, boy was I surprised along with all the fans of Metal Gear Solid… we got introduced to a new character that called himself Snake… where was the Deep voice? This new snake moves like a whiny girl, Oh good way to troll us Kojima, 10 mins into the Plant mission they called him Raiden, and damn is he anime as shit. Raiden is blond flowing hair pretty boy. At least he plays the same as snake. Ugh… saving is the worst thing you can do in this game. Before, you were greeted by Mei Ling with a nice Chinese Proverb, with Rose, Raiden’s Girlfriend would do nothing but nag and complain and try to pry on his past. Maybe I’m truly fortunate to be single. Aside from those flaws MGS2 and it’s really crazy story regarding the La-le-lu-le-lo (If you’ve played MGS2-4 you’ll know what I’m talking about, no spoilers here) is the Metal Gear I’ve played the most, trying to get all the dog tags for infinite ammo and stealth camo. Plus when substance came out I played even more.

What!? 1964??? That’s when the Cold War was going on right?
Still coolest hand gesture ever

So after MGS2 I was ready for a new game, yeah I played the Game Boy Color one, it was a lot of fun, but it wasn’t the same, then E3 2004 came along and they showed off something new and amazing, Metal Gear Solid 3, this game was really groundbreaking in the stealth department. Instead of buildings and bases, you were thrown into the jungle and had to survive off the land by hunting and using camouflage to blend in. Just like MGS2 brought in tons of new mechanics, Snake Eater did the same but introduced the coolest fight mechanic ever, CQC. Before you just had a normal punch and 3 hit combo. Now with the same button you could turn the tides of battle in your favor, outnumbered? Grab a human shield and use your pistol to take guys down one by one. It’s always made for some intense battles. In all honesty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a true masterpiece of a game. The action is perfect, the stealth is great and very balanced and fair, the cutscenes are long in some cases but are very interesting and grab on to you. It’s really a game everyone should play at some point. It’s easy to call it best in the series.


MGS3 and MGS3 Subsistence came out at near end of the PS2 and soon was the time of changing the guard, next gen consoles becoming, current gen,  it was really awesome, in 2005 I got to go to Japan, it was a great experience, I’ve never felt so welcome by a group of strangers. We ate great food and even got to go to Akihabara, they have the coolest stores ever, but one highlight was the fact we got to go during the 2005 Tokyo Game Show, at the Konami booth I was actually within 50ft of Kojima-San, It was the craziest moment of my life. My favorite moment of the Tokyo Game Show was playing MGS3: Subsistence multiplayer before anyone else, and I kicked ass!!! Afterwards, they showed off the PS3 and I saw the newest thing to be excited for MGS4 and Wow, it looked amazing, like nothing I’ve ever seen. And even though it was a long wait, I still think it was worth it. This was the point Metal Gear was becoming “Modern” the 3rd person camera was much improved, and it kind of felt like a western 3rd person shooter but it still had the great formula Kojima was known for. But MGS4 had a much greater purpose than being a game; it had to explain every single little detail of Metal Gear’s convoluted story that kept getting worse with each game, which is kind of nice to know every little mystery, but MGS4 has more cutscenes than actual gameplay. You will go through a 40-minute cutscene and play only 10 minutes of gameplay to again another 30-minute cutscene. It really got out of hand but at the same time bringing things full circle, it created some of the best and most emotional moments of the series, the tone of the game is very dire, with Solid Snake rapidly aging, to the point where he doesn’t have much time left, its just like watching someone dear to you die, no matter how much you prolong, help and want them to keep going, there will be that point where you just cant stop the inevitable, you have to accept it. MGS4 may not be the strongest in the series but it’s still worth it, especially that ending.  …Mind blown, literately

HD Collection!? It’s got a PSP game?

Many years later Metal Gear has kept burning strong in my heart but I was always curious when the next one would be here. Instead they showed off the HD collection, which contained all the MGS2, MGS3 and MGS: Peace Walker, I never played Peace Walker because as interesting as the PSP Portable Ops and PW, they never played well with out a 2nd stick. For the HD collection they reworked the controls to use the right analog stick for camera control and I must say it worked. Even though at that time I was reviewing the HD collection (2 Years ago) I also put tons of time into replaying all the games, especially Peace Walker. So much I put 60+ hours into it while writing the review. And for good reason, MGS3 and Peace Walker are almost tied for the Best MGS game it’s so close I can’t even tell you my favorite. For a portable game to get my attention in that way, it has to be amazing, and peace walker is.


When I first saw Metal Gear Rising, it looked cool, done by Kojima it had a awesome concept, In MGS4 Raiden went full Cyborg, the only thing that was human was his heart. It was not a game about stealth but slicing everything in half and it looked fun even though not much was known about it, it eventually got pushed to the side cuz well Kojima was making more Metal Gear Games. I thought it would never see the light of day, but when it was revealed again it’s like it never went away. Kojima announced Metal Gear Rising: Revengence. but it wasn’t done by Kojima Productions, it was done by someone else, someone just as legendary… Platinum Games, the teams behind Devil May Cry 1-3, Okami, Viewtutiful Joe and Bayonetta. Platinum has not made a bad game since starting the company. At first I was nervous that the Metal Gear side was going to be lost, but I was sooo wrong, it brought Metal Gear into something it hasn’t been for a long time. Cool. When people saw the games over the top action, smooth framerate, awesome characters and amazing soundtrack. It felt like Metal Gear was back on top.

$30 for a demo!?

So Metal Gear was doing great and they started to leak Metal Gear Solid V and the new Fox Engine is crazy, it reached new levels of photo realism and the gameplay looked great. Then something really bad happened… Konami decided to release 2 games, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, I’m not sure who’s idea it was but it has become something extremely controversial, imagine paying twice for MGS2 $30 for the Tanker Misson and a full $50 for The Plant Mission. Splitting MGSV became very nerve racking how would it be, MGS4 took a very long time to develop but at least we got a full game but in all honesty, Ground Zeroes is a great game, it is short, but theres plenty to explore, and you can easily hit above 20 hours to 100% the game. So for people who are already convinced that Ground Zeroes is a demo theres nothing you can do to convince them but to the ones who are big fans and are wondering if it’s a true Metal Gear game, I would like to assure you it is. It’s got tons of replay value; with tons of hours to spend exploring, just don’t be an asshole and speed run the game.

V has come to…

We are still another year off til the Phantom Pain comes out and I am super excited, it looks to be one of the best Metal Gear games, one thing I like about Metal Gear is the non glorification of war, Metal Gear always shows how ugly it is, and MGSV is a game that pulls no punches and has gone to even darker depths, showing just how messed up this world really can be and I look forward to it’s roller coaster of revenge, by just watching the 30 minute demo, it’s going to be an amazing game I just know it.

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