Thursday, June 13, 2013

E3 Thoughts (Why I was totally wrong earlier about the next gen)

Man I said last week I wasn't gonna get a next gen console, but after seeing this years E3, I've never been so happy to be proved wrong.

Microsoft's conference started out in one of the coolest ways. Metal Gear Solid V!!!! Seriously the Fox engine looks great! I know I'm biased talking about Metal Gear, that Metal Gear can do no wrong but it looks like a incredible game, ugh that trailer's music. I'm buying the soundtrack for it!  Then I saw RYSE... It looks like one big Quick Time Event. like Ninja Gaiden 3, not the improved Razors Edge but the shitty one. Then the highlight was really Killer Instinct, I totally was surprised by it. other than that there wasn't too much well Dead Rising 3 and its exclusive to Xbox One... Damn.  The Xbox Live service is getting better its trying to be like Playstation Plus and give away free games instead of BS pay to play online. they're tossing away the lame Microsoft Points for actual money, xbox one will have a limitless friend list. but the end of the presentation showed off the impressive TitanFall that game looks like so much fun. it was much more impressive but still that $499.99 price point and DRM put a bad taste in my mouth.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why I'm not ready for the next generation of consoles

Hello everybody this is Justin from KQS and I will be letting you know my thoughts on the next generation consoles and Why I’m not ready
It takes time to warm up but I'm loving my Wii U

Wii U Thoughts

Wii U, my first next gen console. Really its not superpowered like the PS4 or the Xbox One (Horrible name by the way) but the tablet does something slightly different than the others, much like the Wii and its motion control which caused Sony and Microsoft starting their own take on motion control. But this time the tablet isn't selling so well. My initial impressions was just okay. But one thing stopped me from playing, the horrible load times, seriously the load times were like almost a minute of waiting which is just ridiculous, I ran back to the PS3 which I have a super death grip on. The amount of games to play are small of course it’s a new system and most games are simple ports, though Zombie U and the first party Nintendo games play well. But now with the new update that speeds up loading times dramatically and its been a much better experience. Adding the virtual console with added great features like playing on the screen and new MiiVerse Support and speaking of the MiiVerse its actually kind of cool. The MiiVerse is a pretty good forum moderated heavily by Nintendo which is good and bad, good for the simple fact that trolls and the other poison aspects of the internet are not there but bad because of small things that shouldn’t normally be a problem. Like my profile on the MiiVerse. I do youtube and would like to see more people subscribe so usually I try to pimp out my youtube channel and Nintendo doesn’t allow. Links that would be revealing personal info. Sooooooooo I got in trouble and had to change my profile which is alright but sucks because I can’t tell people I do Youtube. Aside from that problem I’m really starting to enjoy it, especially the 3DS HD Resident Evil game and am looking forward to all the games coming out.