Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Man I miss cheat codes

Hello everybody this is Justin from KQS and recently I have been playing some older PS2 and original Xbox (I hate not saying Xbox 1) and it got me thinking… what happened to cheat codes? Okay I know cheat codes kind of ruin the game and multiplayer but really I think they give more life to a game than achievements.

The Konami Code... Never Forget it.

I grew up in the NES era, games were extremely tough and of course the first cheat I remember is of course the “Konami Code” UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, START. 30 lives in Contra actually let me beat it. And to be honest because of the Konami Code and cheats I still enjoy it. That game is tough on its own and being able to see the end has always made me appreciate it more. I guess the fact of being able to see the end of a game was always comforting. My mom would let us rent games and this was before Blockbuster’s (I feel so old saying that) 5-day rentals. The place I rented games from let you only have one night, so… You had to play constantly to finish it and good luck with RPG’s, you would have to hope no one erased your save file, that happened too much. So cheats were a big factor for me. Not because my skill level was low but for the sake of beating a game quicker. 1 day, and usually it would be another week until we would go to the grocery store again.